April 1, 2012
I know Spring is in the air when wacky wigs and insane deals pop up from Unclaimed Freight. (Seen via Rochester, NY's WUHF, RF28.)
American Idol contestant Cherie Tucker gives an enthusiastic hello to Kevin Doran in this promo for WUHF's Idol Chatter on Fox First At Ten. (And she totally needs a profile in Rolling Stone titled "My Cherie Amour: How America Idolizes Tucker's Pipes.")
April 2, 2012
Norma Holland rocks my socks on Rochester, NY's WHAM (RF13) during their morning newscasts. She has a great laugh and brings a fun attitude and energy to the show!
WHAM subchannel CW-WHAM (RF13-2) ran a great ad for Salvatore's pizza with folks superimposed over Rochester landmarks! It's the type of commercial that started off low budget, but ended somewhere in awesomeness.
The US ads for Tim Horton's are a little bit...different than the Canadian ones. Imagine a woman staring right into the camera and asking "Want me to make you something COLD?" Then cut to a customer drinking their Tim beverage in slow motion with a look as glazed as a donut. However, the most likeable (and least Stepford) woman from the ads is pictured below via Rochester, NY's WROC (RF45).
April 3, 2012
I loved seeing this Arby's ad on WROC (RF45) only days after a unique experience with the chain during my road trip to Erie, PA. After cavorting with a gaggle of guys during Drenched Fur 8, I went for a late night food run and walked through the drive through of the Arby's across from the hotel. It really was Good Mood Food!
I'm not crabby about the way seafood gets served up in this amazing ad for Crab Shack Rochester! (Seen via Rochester, NY's WROC, RF45.)
I was definitely buzzing when Springville, NY's WBBZ (RF7) appeared with this unique station ID!
I was surprised to see a local weather insert during WBBZ's airing of The Daily Buzz with Mitch English.
Aside from being a MeTV affiliate, WBBZ has other rich additions to their schedule such as Cash Cab.
April 6, 2012
I caught some of David Letterman on Rochester, NY's WROC (RF45) and observed this surreal tableau of Regis Philbin and Bill Murray in sports gear with a member of Girls' Generation stretching at the far left. Someone call Andy Warhol!
Pop sensation Girls' Generation definitely gets in touch with what their audience wants!
A great station ID for Rochester, NY's WHEC appeared on their MeTV subchannel (RF10-2).
April 7, 2012
Rochester, NY's WHEC (RF10) was running some neat new weather promos with Rich Caniglia!
Meanwhile, WHEC's MeTV subchannel was airing Gumby, which looked a lot trippier than I remembered. (I actually had a rubber Gumby toy that I chewed on when I was a baby...) This episode had a ton of fast paced psychadelic claymation going on!
There was a cutting edge story on Syracuse, NY's WSTM (RF24) about a situation that got out of Hand. However, Laura took a valiant stab at presenting the facts!
I was excited to see a full WSTM newscast with Laura Hand, since I'd been curious about her after seeing vintage ads in TV Guide! Hand anchored with meteorologist Matt Stevens that morning.
Things were really hopping during WSTM's Best Bets for the Easter weekend.
I was also excited to see John Evenson introduce the sports recap on WSTM! Evenson is a fellow Canadian who grew up in Toronto and worked at Global before heading down to Central New York!
I wondered if Rochester, NY's WROC (RF45) was showing a special preview of Cirque Du Soleil, but it was really just a sassy episode of the Canadian made kids show Doodlebops.
April 25, 2012
I squealed when I saw an ad with station managers Derek Dalton of WHEC, Louis A. Gattozzi of WROC and Chuck Samuels of WHAM. The trio came together for a campaign called AIM For Fairness which is fighting for equitable distribution of New York state funds to Rochester. (Seen via WUHF, RF28.)
Another sign of Spring is the annual auction held by Rochester, NY's WXXI (RF16). This time there were puppets involved! During this segment, they should have said "If you've ever felt anything for public television, please donate now!"
There was a wonderful station ID for WXXI during an episode of their original program Biz Kids.
April 26, 2012
WUHF's Cool TV subchannel (RF28-2) was showing Carly Rae Jepsen's video for Call Me Maybe. I watched Jepsen when she was on Canadian Idol years ago, so I'm happy that she's broken out in such a huge way!
I followed Jennifer Johnson's advice to See It, Snap It and Share It as I took pics of Rochester, NY's WHAM (RF13) that morning! Even Norma Holland approved!
Meteorologist Marty Snyder, however, didn't look so sure...
WHAM's subchannel CW-WHAM (RF13-2) was showing a great promo that uses the vintage Hello Rochester song in tribute to WHAM's 50 years on air. (On a total sidenote, I was looking for this ad because a guy I was chatting with at Drenched Fur 8 mentioned it to me when I raved about the ROC!)
My eyes popped out when I saw Global Toronto's newscast with Leslie Roberts make it on to WHAM's morning show! They were showing a clip that went viral where Anthony Farnell's dog jumped into frame on screen for a few seconds. It was surreal to be seeing a Toronto newscast mentioned on a Rochester station while I was watching from the Toronto area.
April 29, 2012
Rochester's WHAM (RF13) was doing a gas giveaway promotion similar to many other local stations during this period.
April 30, 2012
We close this Reception Report with WROC's Katrina Irwin looking gr8 in a stylish pantsuit!
Stay tuned to TV Garth for more television mayhem! Also check out my Flickr collection of 2012 for reception pics that haven't made it onto the blog yet!
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