Sept. 1, 2013:
- Buffalo, NY, 23.2 Bounce [WNLO] (RF32.2)...I loved seeing Soul Train reruns with divatastic acts like High Inergy performing "He's A Pretender."

Sept. 2, 2013:
- Buffalo, NY, 29.1 WUTV (RF14)...The guy on the couch was quickly Excused for not joining the Magic Mike party taking place!

Sept. 6, 2013:
- Rochester, NY, 46.1 WBGT (RF46)...Shaun T mirrored my own facial expression after seeing the Excused guys dancing around!

- Clearfield, PA, 3.1 WPSU (RF15)...PBS stations generally don't run weather reports, so I was surprised to see one on WPSU!

Sept. 7, 2013:
- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34)...The Ideal Market captured my heart with this amazing ad featuring a talking steak!!!

- Pittsburgh, PA, 4.1 WTAE (RF51)...Jackie Schafer revealed that Pirates tickets were

- Pittsburgh, PA, 4.2 This TV [WTAE] (RF51.2)...This was a fabulous station ID for WTAE!

- Syracuse, NY, 3.1 WSTM (RF24) with Mike Brookins!

- Clearfield, PA, 3.1 WPSU (RF15)...I love it when Sit and Be Fit gets all avant garde and modern dance when I'm least expecting it!

- Bluefield, WV, 6.1 WVVA (RF46)...New Channel Alert...I was stunned when I caught WVVA for a few minutes! (My first West Virginia catch!)

- Bluefield, WV, 6.2 WVVA-CW (RF46.2)...Some fabulous promos and station IDs arrived via WVVA's CW subchannel!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34) featured a great mobile app ad / station ID!

- Buffalo, NY, 4.1 WIVB (RF39) with the awesome Brittni Smallwood!

Sept. 11, 2013:
- Cleveland, OH, 5.1 WEWS (RF15) with Jason Nicholas, Mark Johnson and Trent Magill!

- Erie, PA, 12.1 WICU (RF12)...I finally got to see WICU's revamped HD newscast with Kara Coleman and Mark Soliday!

- Erie, PA, 12.2 WBEP [WICU] (RF12.2)...I've bought fudge from Kali's and it was delicious! (Plus I heart the giant Jelly Belly roaming around!)

- Erie, PA, 12.1 WICU (RF12)...the legendary Lisa Adams always helps viewers connect the dots!

- Erie, PA, 12.1 WICU (RF12) with Ed Russo!

- Utica, NY, 2.1 WKTV (RF29)...The Soda Fountain offered up a delicious retro ad!

- Rochester, NY, 8.1 WROC (RF45)...I heart the way meteorologist John DiPasquale describes weather physically. I'm pretty sure this was something to do with temps rising, falling or sneaking in.

DiPasquale was joined by Mark Gruba and Ali Touhey that morning on WROC!

- Clearfield, PA, 3.1 WPSU (RF15)...I guess weather reports make sense on WPSU, since AccuWeather is based in State College, PA!

I was Roaring with delight at this splashy station ID for WPSU!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34) with Jim Burton (at the Flight 93 Memorial), Bill Brown and Lindsay Ward!

- Rochester, NY, 13.1 WHAM (RF13) with Jennifer Johnson and Doug Emblidge!

- Rochester, NY, 10.1 WHEC (RF10) with Rebecca Leclair and Pat Taney!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34)...Watching from Canada, it always seems weird and surreal to see gun advertisements on TV. But as of this writing (in 2018) it is heartening to see so many people in America fighting for gun control measures!

Sept. 12, 2013:
- Buffalo, NY, 2.1 WGRZ (RF33)..."Electric Lady" Janelle Monae is fabulous!

Sept. 19, 2013:
- Syracuse, NY, 3.1 WSTM (RF24) with Lisa Spitz and Peter Hall!

Sept. 19, 2013:
- Toronto, ON, 19.1 TVO (RF19)...I've seen Wild Kratts on PBS, so I loved seeing them encourage viewers to support Ontario's public television!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34)...There was an amazing ad for Our Sons' Family Restaurant (featuring the sassy "crispy chicken" below!) I once saw a movie called Bucketful O' Chicken which...uh...had little to do with poultry...

Sept. 23, 2013:
- Johnstown, PA, 6.2 MeTV6 [WJAC] (RF34.2)...Thriller really delivered the

He just happens to wander by a bar called, ahem, Cocktails...

Then he perches himself in front of Marine Hardware in his finest short shorts! Ryan Murphy needs to remake this into an epic 7 part series!

Sept. 24, 2013:
- Clearfield, PA, 3.1 WPSU (RF15) featured a promo for Our Town Warren!

- Altoona, PA, 23.1 WATM (RF24)...New Channel Alert...Despite catching WJAC and WPSU from the same market, WATM is a rarity and this was the first and only time I caught them!

- Altoona, PA, 23.2 WWCP (RF24.2)...WATM carries FOX affiliate WWCP as a subchannel!

During the commercial break, I caught a triple play of WATM's station IDs!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34)...When viewers want sports news, WJAC literally cuts to the Chase - Ashley Chase, that is!

- Clearfield, PA, 3.1 WPSU (RF15)...The only other time I recall seeing weather on a PBS station was on Muncie, IN's WIPB during a road trip!

- Johnstown, PA, 6.1 WJAC (RF34)...Transgender student Kasey Caron was fighting for the right to be homecoming king at his school! The report featured interviews with many members of the local LGBT community, including Philip Bayush and Seamus Johnston!

Sept. 25, 2013:
- Buffalo, NY, 49.1 WNYO (RF49)...This episode of America Now has a little too much going on if you ask me.

Sept. 26, 2013:
- Erie, PA, 12.1 WICU (RF12) looked Trend-y with Kara Coleman and Mark Soliday!

Sun-y days were sweeping the clouds away...with reporter Deedee Sun!

Emily Matson was also out and about that morning!

- Erie, PA, 12.3 WSEE (RF12.3)...Eva Mastromatteo and Julie Coates had viewers covered, as you can SEE!

- Erie, PA, 12.1 WICU (RF12)...Tiffany and Wendy Titus were the first same sex couple to wed in Erie County, but suffered legal setbacks until their marriage was officially recognized in 2014!

- Erie, PA, 24.1 WJET (RF24) with Traci Teudhope!

Oct. 2, 2013:
- Buffalo, NY, 7.1 WKBW (RF38)...Desiree Wiley was Making Strides Against Breast Cancer with the help of WKBW and Kiss 98.5, two of my fave stations growing up!

Stay tuned to TV Garth for more reception related rave ups!