May 13, 2010
This was the day that I picked up Syracuse's WSYR (RF17) for the first time since Sept. 2009! This was also the day that I got a shout out ON AIR from the awesome Don Shipman (pic below) on Utica, NY's WKTV (RF29). Click here to read about the shout out and watch the video of it!
I also feel Reale-y bad about not giving enough love to WKTV's meteorologist Bill Kardas, so here's a pic of him from this day's reception.
I was blown away by Christie Casciano's story on The Morning News below!WSYR has also added snazzy "logo" banners to fill the screen on HDTVs.
I also love WSYR's weather subchannel (RF17-2) which covers many Central New York cities including Syracuse and Utica!
Carrie Lazarus proves to us that back in the day the stories were big, but the hair was bigger! It was a great ad showing off her history with WSYR. Watch it here.
Here we have my Syra-crush, sports reporter Steve Infanti! (On a sidenote, the headline "Very High Honor" made me totally imagine a sitcom about a perpetually wasted court judge.)
I not only heart WKTV for giving me a shout out, but I also heart them for featuring Madonna in a trivia question!
May 19, 2010
I was getting excited about attending the annual Inside Out LGBT film festival in Toronto when I stumbled across a neat documentary on Rochester, NY's WXXI (RF16). It was called Out In The Silence and was a great warm up for the fest.
Below is a young gay student (with his mother) featured in Out In The Silence who fights harassment with the help of Silence's filmmaker Joe Wilson.
May 20, 2010
I caught Erie, PA's WQLN (RF50) with an appearance from their president Dwight Miller! I've come to think of WQLN as the "little station that could" because they've had to overcome a lot of setbacks, but they still manage to put on great programming.
May 26, 2010
I enjoy catching the morning edition of News 8 Now on Rochester, NY's WROC (RF45) which features Brian Neudorff on weather duties. Brian is very likeable and does a thorough job with his reports! (Much of the time his reports double for Southern Ontario's weather, as we often have similar conditions!)
Katrina Irwin co-anchors News 8 Now and the pic below features her with an awesomely Divatastic summer sun!
Springville, NY's WNGS made its return to the airwaves on RF7 on May 22. Click here for Digital Home's thread about the station's revival. They've had an interesting history as a station that relied mainly on cable for distribution (due to a restricted analog signal) and at various points were affiliated with UPN, RTN, and THIS! TV. They currently broadcast Daystar religious programming, but this will change when their new owners take over. (On a sidenote, this is bittersweet as having a station on RF7 this close to me limits DXing opportunities.)
Utica, NY's WKTV (RF29) popped up again just in time for Bill Kardas and Megan Koskovich to tell us the weather was as HOT as Megan's capri pants!
May 27, 2010
Rochester, NY's WROC (RF45) promoted Scott's Backyard BBQ, which is a contest where people can win a BBQ with the station's chief meteorologist Scott Hetsko!
Great ad with Kevin Doran showcasing WROC's coverage of Rochester mayor Bob Duffy stepping down to run for office.
I still think that NBC's Losing It With Jillian sounds like a bad 1980s sex comedy. (Seen via Utica, NY's WKTV on RF29). She'd probably bench press me for saying that.
Syracuse's WSYR Wood arrive in time for their evening newscast with Rod! (Seen on RF17)
NBC's Jimmy Fallon featured the hotness of Steve Ward, pictured below. (Seen via Utica, NY's WKTV on RF29). What was also neat is that I was picking this up on three NBC stations at the same time, including the aforementioned WKTV, as well as Rochester's WHEC (RF10) and Buffalo's WGRZ (RF33).
Making news this evening was the excellent news that President Obama had finally repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell! (Seen via Rochester, NY's WHAM on RF13 with anchor Elizabeth Schubert.)
If this is what they'll show to get me to donate clothes to Goodwill, it's probably not going to work. Or I'll at least try to coax them into filming more men in their skivvies before handing over my old clothing. (Seen via Rochester, NY's WHAM on RF13).
May 28, 2010
I really enjoy Rebecca Leclair on WHEC's morning show, pictured below with co-anchor Pat McConigle (seen via RF10 from Rochester, NY.) She adds pep and liveliness to her stories, and I will forever heart her for the BEST introduction to a flasher story that I've ever seen!
I also enjoy Norma Holland over at Rochester, NY's WHAM (RF13). Her personality is simultaneously warm, inviting and sassy. She carries herself with great humour and would probably make a great companion when hitting the bar. (It also doesn't hurt that she once fanned herself and exclaimed "It's HOT in here!" during the pre-show "WHAM Warmup". At that moment I seriously wished a dance beat would kick in and dancers would rise up from the news desk and flank her in sparkly outfits.)
And on that note, I have to take my own sassy self away and close this entry! Check out the full Flickr set of my TV photos here:
Garth's TV DXing May 13 to June 6 - Flickr Set
Stay tuned to TV Garth for more Reception Reports and TV goodness!
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