Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reception Reports: Oct. 3-18, 2009 Tropo gets mostly frozen out, and snow hits Buffalo!

As you can see from the pic above, it got VERY cold in October. (I love the fact that Buffalo's WGRZ did their weather alert from a Tim Horton's parking lot!) The tropospheric enhancements were very slim in October compared the glorious Summer days. The Flickr gallery linked below is a compilation of the slight tropo that did come in between October 3-18, 2009 at my home in Markham, Ontario, Canada. I also included some local shots from CIII (Global) to illustrate that they finally got their PSIP working, plus a few shots from semi-local WGRZ in Buffalo showing just how cold October got (and why the tropo was so severely reduced!) October did bring some Rochester, including PBS stalwart WXXI, which has recently introduced a new logo. It also appears their subchannel on 21-3 is no longer connected with ThinkBright, and runs Create programs overnight now.

Click here to see my full Flickr gallery of pictures (commentary included!)

Below is a listing of all stations received and shown in my Flickr gallery for October 3-18, 2009.

Channels from Rochester, NY were:
8-1 (RF45) WROC (CBS)
21-1 (RF16) WXXI (PBS)
21-2 (RF16) WXXI-W (PBS World)
21-3 (RF16) WXXI-C (PBS Create)
31-1 (RF28) WUHF (FOX)

Local / Semi-Local Channels were:
2-1 (RF33) WGRZ (NBC) Buffalo, NY
41-1 (RF65) CIII (Global) Toronto, ONT


  1. Garth,

    The graphics package/fonts on WGRZ looks *exactly* like that of the Little Rock AR CBS affliate, KTHV which is also owned by Gannett. Gannett must have a proprietary graphics program for their stations.

  2. You're right! I wondered about that when I picked up Cleveland's WKYC a couple of times this past September and noticed that the graphics looked the same as WGRZ's and even some news segments like "Hero Central" were on both stations. (WKYC is also Gannett owned.) I even heard the same musical loop that was used on WKYC's weather subchannel pop up in a WGRZ newscast.

    BTW, I love your blog! Heh...I wish I was better about updating mine and spicing it up with more commentaries like the articles you write for yours! You've also helped me learn lots of DX lingo that I never knew like "pests" and "anti-tropo". (There are still plenty of analog pests in my area that block digitals from coming in - and what makes it worse is they're just straight up repeaters of big city stations.)
