Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween (including some Spooky Tropo Treats from Rochester & Erie!)

In celebration of Halloween, I’m posting some of my recent Halloween related captures from tropo TV stations. October may have been unseasonably cold and washed out most long distance reception, but the last couple of weeks have brought back Rochester, NY and Erie, PA to my home!

Below you’ll find shots from Rochester’s WUHF and Erie’s WICU and WSEE!

First we have Katrina Irwin promoting the Al Sigl Community Walk About with a bevy of pumpkins behind her!


I love the cute Raggedy Ann style straw person beside her!


The event is sponsored by Wendy’s, which makes me drool with fast food cravings!


Nightmare Manor was taking place in the Southtown Plaza in Rochester, NY!


Kelly Ripa of Regis & Kelly dressed up as Judge Judy for Halloween!

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“Oh my goodness!!! There’s a ghost in my weather report!!!” exclaimed Julie Coates!

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Trick Or Treat hours for different areas in and around Erie, PA as seen on WICU’s morning news!

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Is there anything more simultaneously cute and creepy as a little girl dressed up as Kate Gosselin? So wrong, yet so right as a pop culture trainwreck! (Seen on WICU.)

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These little Divas aren’t even sure what to make of L’il Kate.

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“Come on kids, just go with it, it’ll be funny!” Bonnie Hunt insisted.

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Meanwhile, Mr. Food was cooking up some scary treats on WSEE!

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This one is a shout out for my pal Marsha, who leaves for Australia shortly! She has a thing for Walgreen’s. (And I love the Madonna-cone-wearing ghost that’s sauntering through the ad!)

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“You guys must know Halloween’s this Saturday, right?” Rob Wilson remarked during his forecast.

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As part of the eerie week in Erie, WICU visted the “Haunted” Hotel Conneaut during their newscasts.

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Leo Glenn was on hand to explore the paranormal activity in the hotel.

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Watch WICU reporter Amanda Post…….

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…….vanish into a ghost!

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Other Erie things were happening as a group of students from Gannon University decided to do a Michael Jackson Thriller style flash mob as a social experiment! “Um, you know, I had a bloody good time doing this, but geez my head hurts,” said Jax Kubiak.

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Even Wheel Of Fortune’s Vanna White got into the spirit of things!

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I wish this treat was a trick. It’s Enrique Iglesias guest starring on Two And A Half Men!

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“Ahhhwwoooooooooooooooo!” [That was supposed to be a textual representation of a howling wolf…]

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So there you have it, some spooky TV treats to close out October!

Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. You should check with people before supposedly quoting them. As one of the people in the above blog, I find it disturbing that you supposedly quoted me, when I know that's not true. Way to go for telling lies......good job....

  2. Whoa! I'm guessing you must be Jax....that quote above was my attempt at humour. I figured it was over-the-top enough that people would realize it wasn't an *actual* quote from you. (Think of any pop culture show that recaps a week of events and makes up funny quotes about what they were seeing.) Sorry for the offense...but at the same time, I think you're overreacting a bit. It's not like I attacked you personally with that quote. You were part of a flash mob in outrageous makeup dancing in a public place. Wouldn't that be "disturbing" to people who didn't know what was going on? Why is it that your "art" is somehow more acceptable than mine?

  3. hey jax, shut up. this clearly isn't a blog where people are quoted APA or MLA style. it's a fun interpretation of screenshots of television. anyone who is familiar with the spirit of this blog knows it's not using actual quotes. there is no attempt to mislead people nor to gain from these quotes.

    sorry you find it disturbing. shut up. i don't like some things on TV, so i change the channel.

    HEY why are you plagarising michael jackson's thriller with that makeup? you're obviously doing it. he's dead, but he wouldn't appreciate you copying him like that. he would find it disturbing that you supposedly attempted to mimic/copy him when i can tell it's actually a bad copy and clearly not a true representation. way to go for telling lies ... good job.

    shut up.
