Greetings from TV Garth! This Part Two of my Reception Report for April 23, 2009, which was another great night for reception in my area of Markham! (
Click here for Part One.) Not only did I get all the Rochester, NY digital stations again, but also saw WQLN (PBS) from Erie, Pennsylvania for the first time! I was also testing out my newly purchased Zenith DTT901 digital converter box! (I alternated between using the DTT901 and my Panasonic TV tuner through the evening.)
We continue the night with some more reception pics of 54-1 WQLN! Below is a pic from the series

Meanwhile, 54-2 WQLN-S1 was running a show called
Disabilities Today.

And over on 54-3 WQLN-S2,
Tavis Smiley was still on.

By this time, I had switched back to my Panasonic tuner so that I could get WQLN programmed into the TV before the signal was too weak. The following shots are 54-1, 54-2, and 54-3 after they had successfully been programmed in.
Jamestown, NY's WNYB (26-1, 26-2) also started to come in. Previously I could only pick up WNYB on nights like this where reception was strong and coming from faraway places (like Rochester and Erie.) But as of May 4th, WNYB shut down their analog signal and moved their digital signals back to Channel 26 at full power, providing a much more powerful signal into the Toronto area.
And here's 26-1 WNYB as seen on my Zenith DTT901 box. Note the Canadian mailing address they provide in the pic below.
Rochester's 21-1 WXXI is a good hallmark of how strong the signals of the night are coming in, and here it is booming in at 92% strength!
As the night became dawn, it was time for newscasts, so I switched on 8-1 WROC's News 8 Now At Sunrise!
Below, you can barely see it in the pic, but behind the woman's left shoulder, it appears there is a picture of Henry "The Fonz" Winkler (possibly autographed?) There's also a cute CBS logo screensaver on the computer at the right side of this correspondent.
In what seems like a "meta" moment, WROC does a news report about themselves, since they've been subpoenaed in some sort of case involving the Greece Police. (Didn't pay enough attention to figure out the whole story, but "Greece Police" seems like a ready made title for some sort of sitcom.)
The big news of the day in Rochester was about a neighbourhood development project called Renaissance Square, which was to be in the heart of the city near Main Street, Rochester. They interviewed Rochester mayor Bob Duffy (see pics below.) Apparently the project is hitting some roadblocks (even the anchorwoman looks iffy about it!)

As I've mentioned in previous blog postings, a Reception Report just doesn't feel complete without a Diva glare from Telma Hopkins on Half & Half, airing on 31-1 WUHF.
Now with the Zenith DTT901, I can actually call up the information about what episode I'm watching. (So far I've noticed some descriptions are specific to the episode itself, some are just generic overviews of the entire series.)
Below is the talented and funny Alec Mapa, who stars in Half and Half, and whom I missed when he came to Toronto to peform at a We're Funny That Way event last year.
Below is a great shot of a commercial for Martha on 8-1 WROC. It's a good thing.
Below is a pic of the iconic Ford Street Bridge in Rochester, along with an angry storm cloud hovering above the city. I suppose the angry cloud makes sense considering it appears in a StormWatch 8 bulletin.
Meanwhile, 10-1 WHEC was also covering the Renaissance Square situation in their morning news. And anchor Rebecca Leclair looks positively shocked about the developments! (Someday I'd love to see a campaign or billboard with the slogan "Rebecca Leclair - she really cares!") Check out the second pic for a diagram of the Square's layout. The third pic shows the Rochester mayor, but interestingly WHEC identifies him by the more formal Robert Duffy as opposed to WROC identifying him as Bob Duffy. I guess we now know which station Mr. Duffy invites over for barbecues.
During the commercial break, 10-1 WHEC ran a commercial for Moe's Rochester, which I thought was funny because I have a friend named Moe. Next time I see him, I'll have to shout out "This is a Moe's neighbourhood!" (Depending on where I bump into him next, it'll work on many different levels.)
13-1 WHAM finally came in as well! It was the last of the Rochester digitals to arrive, but what an arrival they made! I tuned in just in time to see a promo for one of their trashy, tabloid-esque 20/20 episodes! This time 20/20 is doing a special report about a [pause for dramatic suspense] "Black Widow"!
I stayed tuned to 13-1 WHAM and saw some of their morning show, including weather reports from meteorologist Marty Snyder below.
WHAM's morning show always does a segment celebrating birthdays, and viewers can send in their pictures and names of loved ones. Below is the awesome Gertrude Hurley, whose sweet mug should be plastered all over bottles of maple syrup. Or pancake mix. Or something that needs a sweet elderly lady to be promoting it!
By the time 13-1 WHAM got around to their Entertainment coverage, it was time to talk about Lindsay Lohan's breakup. But the picture of Lindsay used in the segment looks way too happy to match the sentiment of the story. It almost looks like it should read: "Lindsay Lohan talks about her breakup - and helps you get back your bikini body in 7 days! Only in US Weekly!"
Here are the main anchors for 13-1's 13WHAM News This Morning. It almost looks like the anchor on the left is angry and bitter about the young whippersnapper on the right who has usurped the many years he's spent honing his journalism and suggests awful stories such as the one on Lindsay Lohan above. Or maybe they're just plain old newsanchors with no big dramatic backstory or rivalry. (What was I thinking? I'm not a 20/20 segment producer...)
Then I clicked back over to 10-2 WHEC-DT (WeatherPlus) and saw a commercial about the DTV transition. I thought that it was kind of funny to see them showing giant hands coming through the window to help adjust TV reception and plug in converter boxes. Like, what if the campaign totally backfired and seniors were afraid that giant animated hands would just reach into their homes and mess around with their TVs and cause havoc? Maybe a bit of a stretch, but you never know! (Note the second pic which contains the statement "WHEC DTV quarterly reports are available for viewing at")

Like all PBS stations worth their salt, WXXI campaigns for donations, and in the pic below, they encourage you to "Become a member today."

We conclude the evening (morning?) with 13-1 WHAM, starting with a neat shot of the WHAM logo and Ford Street Bridge. The second pic features one of the WHAM reporters interviewing someone about planting trees for Arbor Day. And upon noticing the sunrise on TV, I realized it was time for me to go to bed!

That's all for now, but stay tuned to TV Garth for more Reception Reports in the future!
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